Dementia Lab Conference 2025

(12) 13 & 14 March 2025
DeCA-CCCI Auditorium, University of Aveiro, Portugal

  Wed, 12 March
Pre-Conference Day
Participation is free in the morning and will be live-streamed
Thu, 13 March
Conference Day
Fri, 14 March
Conference Day
8.45 Registration Registration
9.30 Registration & Coffee Welcome session Keynote
Matthew Harrison
Experiences of Human Centred Design in ‘Dementia Care Technology’
10.00 DECOHDE presentation Keynote
Yuriko Saito
The Aesthetics of Care in Design
10.30 DIGIT presentation Coffee Break
11.00 DECOHDE seminar in partnership with DIGIT
Bridging Ethics and Aesthetics: Designing dignified and meaningful interventions for people living with dementia
Registration is mandatory
Coffee Break Paper session 3
Including design in dementia care
11.30 Paper session 1
Designing with people with dementia
12.30 Doctoral Colloquium Lunch
📍University Restaurant
📍Castro Canteen
13.00 Lunch
📍Castro Canteen
14.00 Doctoral Colloquium workshop
📍DeCA-CCCI 3rd floor rooms
Parallel Workshops
includes coffee break at 15.30
📍DeCA-CCCI 3rd floor rooms

Please register for the workshops before the conference
14.30 Paper session 2
Design within Cultures of Care
16.00 Doctoral Colloquium Coffee Break Coffee Break
16.30 Doctoral Colloquium Dilemma game Stories panel
17.30 Doctoral Colloquium Social activity Exhibition teaser and visit Closing session
20.00 Dinner (optional and not included in conference fee)
📍Olaria Restaurant

Registration and payment through Sci-Meet platform

The conference will be held at the Department of Communication and Art (DeCA). With the exception of the workshops and the doctoral colloquium, all sessions will take place in the CCCI Auditorium.

This event will be recorded and photographed to promote current and future Dementia Lab editions. Participation implies consent to image and sound recording. If you prefer not to be recorded, please inform the organization. A designated "dark zone" will be available in classrooms and the CCCI auditorium for those who opt out. However, dark zones cannot be accommodated in transit areas or during coffee breaks. Please notify us in advance if you do not wish to be recorded, and we will do our best to respect your preferences.

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Wed, 12 March / Pre-conference day

DECOHDE seminar in partnership with DIGIT
Bridging Ethics and Aesthetics: Designing dignified and meaningful interventions for people living with dementia

DECOHDE is an FCT-funded project from the University of Aveiro, exploring the design of information resources for people with dementia. The DIGIT project, hosted by TU Eindhoven (funded by JPND), sets future research agendas on technology and dementia.

The morning includes an overview of both projects and a panel discussion with five esteemed experts who will debate ethics, aesthetics and co-design, highlighting its impact on the well-being of people living with dementia and sparking critical questions to advance research and practice in design and dementia care.

In-person participation is free, but registration is mandatory:
The event will be conducted in English. This morning will be live-streamed.

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Talk (10h00)
DECOHDE – Design for a humanised communication of dementia: co-creation of an information platform about engaging in meaningful activities

Rita Maldonado Branco, Health+Design Lab, Research Institute for Design, Media and Culture (ID+), University of Aveiro

Talk (10h30)
DIGIT – Dementia International Expert Group on Interactive Technology

Rens Brankaert, and guest authors

Rens Brankaert will introduce the DIGIT project, followed by a short presentation of the four topics within the project.

Panel Discussion (11h00)
Andrea Wilkinson LUCA School of Arts
Catarina Alvarez Alzheimer Portugal
Claire Craig Sheffield Hallam University
Matthew Harrison Helix Centre, Imperial College London
Niels Hendriks LUCA School of Arts

Doctoral Colloquium closed to enrolled PhD students. + add to calendar

Thu, 13 March

Welcome Session

Artur Silva Vice-Rector Research and Innovation, University of Aveiro
Ana Veloso Director of the Department of Communication and Art, University of Aveiro
Fátima Pombo Director of the Research Institute for Design, Media and Culture (ID+), University of Aveiro
Oscar Ribeiro Director of the Health Research Network Associated Laboratoy (RISE) hub at University of Aveiro
Joana Quental Coordinator of the Health+Design Lab (HEAD) at ID+, University of Aveiro
Rita Maldonado Branco ID+ (HEAD), University of Aveiro

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Yuriko Saito Rhode Island School of Design
The Aesthetics of Care in Design

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Paper Session 1
Designing with people with dementia

Moderators: Claire Craig, Sheffield Hallam University; Maarten Houben, Technical University of Eindhoven

Short Talk: Giving voice: learning together
Claire Craig, Sheffield Hallam University

From handover to participation: How do handover approaches support participatory design together with people with dementia?
Lieke Lenaerts, Niels Hendriks, Andrea Wilkinson

Does the mind's eye remain intact? Using colour to support the expression of everyday aesthetic preferences in dementia
Marney Walker

How Framing Shapes Dementia Research and Design: Subliminal Influences and Considerations
Lisa Bormans, Baldwin Van Gorp

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Paper Session 2
Design within Cultures of Care

Moderators: Pedro Domingues, Ethics and Deontology Council, University of Aveiro; Daniela Figueiredo, University of Aveiro

Short Talk: Navigating Ethical Challenges: Research with Vulnerable Populations Affected by Dementia
Pedro Domingues, President of the Ethics and Deontology Council of University of Aveiro

Artefacts in Action: Facilitating Positive Person Work in Dementia Group Care Environment
Rising Lai, Niels Hendriks, Andrea Wilkinson, Sara Laureen Bartels

One Lovely Hour: Food As a Tool for Empathy in Designing for Culture, Aging, and Care
Amanda Huynh, Ranee Lee

Feels like home: a participatory approach to enhance care environments through personal and collective stories
Silvia Maria Gramegna

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Stories Panel

Moderators: Joana Quental and Oscar Ribeiro, University of Aveiro

Co-design workshops with people living with dementia independently: What does a dementia-friendly community mean for those living on their own?
Mariko Sakamoto, Lynn Jackson, Paulina Malcolm, Caylee Raber, Otilia Spantulescu, Parnian Anaa, Kamila Bashir, Alison Chung

Co-designing a website with people with dementia and informal caregivers to support meaningful activities
Mariana Ramalhete, Eduarda Cysneiros, Diana Ferreira, Joana Quental, Ivo Fonseca, Oksana Tymoshchuk, Óscar Ribeiro, Rita Oliveira, Soraia Teles de Sousa, Rita Maldonado Branco

Caring by Design in AI4HOPE: Creating Value-Sensitive AI Solutions for Dementia
Rosa Almeida, Diana Marques, Francisca Rego, Izidor Mlakar, Raquel Losada

Growing Together: The Societal Integration of People with Dementia Through Work
Adhityan Raja, Yvon Ruitenburg, Minha Lee

Alice in Wanderland
Ellis Bartholomeus

Setting up a Living Lab in the Belgian Healthcare context: challenges we need to share
Lieke Lenaerts

Viv's presentation
Gail Kenning, Jill Bennett

“Memorizar”: Home-Based Intervention to People With Dementia – Challenging and Essential 
Sónia Ribeiro, Luciano Almendra, Dalila Figueiredo, Ana FIlipa Domingues

Informal caregiver day – to care with love
Helena Martinho, Natália Alves, Rosa Magalhães

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Exhibition teaser + visit

From Singular Content To Aesthetic Narration: Our One Decade Long Design Journey Through Multimedia Reminiscence Therapy
Alexander Bejan, Alexa von Bosse, Christophe Kunze

Expanding small worlds: Creating a cultural probe kit to investigate the small worlds of people with dementia
Natsumi Wada, Alicia Valencia

From illustrating dementia to illustrating for people with dementia
Diana Ferreira, Joana Quental, Eduarda Cysneiros,  Mariana Ramalhete, Ivo Fonseca,  Oksana Tymoshchuk , Rita Oliveira,  Soraia Teles, Oscar Ribeiro, Rita Maldonado Branco

Vamos? An information platform about meaningful activities for people with dementia
Eduarda Cysneiros, Ivo Fonseca, Diana Ferreira, Mariana Ramalhete, Joana Quental, Oksana Tymoshchuk, Rita Oliveira, Soraia Teles, Óscar Ribeiro, Rita Maldonado Branco

Beneath the Bloom: A Guardian or an Intruder?
Ana Vasconcelos, Paulo Torres, Filippo Talami, Joana Couto da Silva, Ricardo Graça, Inês Silva, Ruben Moutinho, Prasoon Patidar, Mayank Goel, Britt Pelens, Niels Hendriks, Andrea Wilkinson, Cristina Mendes-Santos

Centring: Co-Creative Ceramics in the Living Museum
Jayne Wallace, Henry Collingham, Michelle Kindleysides, Beth Marston, Catherine Appleby

Blink. Toolkit: Supporting Carers in Uncovering  Non-Verbal Personhood
Amber De Coen, Sanne Nieuwenhuis, Andrea Wilkinson, Niels Hendriks

Designing a Home Urinary Tract Infection Detection Device for People Living with Dementia
Thomas Adam, Matthew Harrison

Dementia: Experiences for the Senses
Catarina Solheiro, Lígia Lopes, Ignacio Urbina Polo

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Fri, 14 March

Matthew Harrison
Helix Centre, UK DRI Care Research & Technology
Experiences of Human Centred Design in ‘Dementia Care Technology’

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Paper Session 3
Including design in dementia care

Moderators: Niels Hendriks and Andrea Wilkinson, LUCA School of Arts

Expanding the Concept of Personhood Towards a Posthumanist Approach to Designing for Dementia
Ralf Vetter, Christopher Frauenberger, Anna Dobrosovestnova, Katharina Brunnmayr, Helena Anna Frijns

Multi-User VR for Social Connectedness: Exploring the Design Preferences of People Living with Dementia and their Support Persons
Aisling Flynn, Gearóid Reilly, David Healy, Attracta Brennan, Sam Redfern, Marguerite Barry, Dympna Casey

Social Robots at Play: Enhancing Social Interaction and Well-being for People with Advanced Dementia and their Ecosystem in a Secured Care Context
David Unbehaun, Elisabeth Raß, Jutta Tandler, Gaby Lenz, Volker Wulf

Leveraging Co-design Activities in a Learning Community to Enhance Technology Adoption in Dementia Care
Sanne Beijer, Karlijn van Rijen, Leonie Copraij, Rens Brankaert

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Parallel Workshops

Please register for the workshops before the conference:

WS1: Polished Truths: A Nail Salon for Ethical Confessions in Dementia Research
Sanne Beijer, Karlijn can Rijen, Laura Koenen, Dianne Vasseur, Sima Ipkchian Askari

WS2: Personhood, Dignity, and Autonomy: Interdisciplinary Actionable Concepts for Dementia Care
Rising Lai, Marine Markaryan

WS3: Do you ever think about dying? Exploring acceptance, grief and togetherness while living with dementia
Francesca Toso, Cristina Zaga, Lonneke Lenferink

WS4: Beyond Academia: Inclusive Research Dissemination for Dementia Through Co-Design
Joana Couto, Ana Vasconcelos, Filippo Talami, Inês Silva, Ricardo Graça, Britt Pellens, Niels Hendricks, Andrea Wilkinson, Lieke Lenaerts, Mayank Goel, Prasoon Patidar, Riku Arakawa, Cristina Mendes-Santos

WS5: Designing for Dignity: The Intersection of Ageism, Frailty and Dementia
Glen Hougan

WS6: Caring by Design in AI4HOPE: creating compassionate AI solutions for dementia
Rosa Almeida, Diana Marques, Maria Soledad Diaz, Francisca Rego, Ana Luísa Castro, Izidor Mlkar

WS7: Creating the conditions for meaningful co-design in dementia research: understanding positionality and re-balancing power in academic research
Sophie Horrocks

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Closing session

Andrea Wilkinson & Niels Hendriks founders of the Dementia Lab conference, LUCA School of Arts

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